Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic School
Before & After School Care
This supervised program is meant to be a reasonably priced convenience for our families. Our morning program will run from 7:00am until 8:20am when students will go outside to the playground to join other SCB students. The after school program will begin at 3:00pm and end at 5:30pm. The Before & After School Care program will follow the school calendar. There will be no sessions held on school holidays. In the event of an early release day, no after school session will be held. Also, after school sessions may not be held on days preceding a long weekend or extended break. We will make every attempt to give reminders about days when there will be no aftercare and will make every effort to communicate to parents about any changes to the original calendar of service. Should school be canceled due to weather or another emergency, the program is also canceled.
Behavior and Discipline
Every child is expected to use appropriate school behavior at all times. We will not tolerate inappropriate language or actions. The staff will be treated with the same respect shown during the school day. All school rules apply during the program. If a child is misbehaving, the child will be removed from the situation and the parent will be notified. Should the behavior of the child not improve, the family will meet with the school principal. Should there be continued problems, the family will be dropped from the program.
Dedicated Phone
We have a dedicated phone number which you may use in urgent situations only. If your child is in After School Care and something urgent has occurred that you must communicate to our After Care Supervisor between 4:00 and 5:30pm, you may utilize our special line to reach our ASC Supervisor at (847) 792-0071 instead of calling our main office. Please program it into your cell phone if you are a frequent After Care user.
Sign In and Out
It is REQUIRED that PARENTS or guardians sign students IN and/or OUT on the official list kept in a notebook by the day’s supervisor. Children are not allowed to sign themselves in or out. For the safety of your child(ren), you will be required to sign them in and/or out each day. For the comfort and safety of your child(ren), please make any comments or notes on the sign-in sheet. Morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up should be through the ground-level kitchen door near the Preschool room. If a special activity is in progress, students may temporarily receive care in a classroom, or there may be a sign on the kitchen door stating students are in the gym, and therefore the Jefferson Avenue entrance may be more convenient for pick-up on those occasions only.
***In order to maintain proper supervision, please leave the building after signing out your child.
Authorization for Pick-Up
Your child(ren) may be picked up only by the person(s) designated in writing by the parent/guardian. Should someone else need to pick your child up, the school must be notified in writing. Phone call changes will only be accepted in an emergency. The designated person must show a valid photo ID and provide a written signature prior to the release of your child(ren).
Illness or Injury
Should your child become ill at any time during the Before & After School Care program, you will be immediately notified and asked to pick your child up from school. If your child is injured and requires more than basic first-aid, we will notify you. Should your child require more immediate care, the Hampshire Rescue squad will be called for assistance. If we are unable to reach you, we will contact the person(s) designated.
Schedules and Payments
The Before & After Care program may be used on an occasional drop-in basis. If your child will use the program regularly, please fill out a weekly calendar. This enables us to provide an adequate number of staff and snacks. In case of an emergency or any unplanned need for this program, the school must be notified as soon as possible.
The fee is $5.00 per hour and charges will be billed weekly. There will be a late fee of $10.00 per 15 minutes for any children not picked up by 5:30pm. Payment is due upon receipt of the weekly bill. Please make all checks payable to SCB School.

Snacks are not provided. Please send a snack with your child.
Your child(ren) will be provided the opportunity to do homework, participate in small and large muscle activities, eat a snack, do art activities and other child-centered activities provided by our staff. Please do not send toys from home. No electronic devices are allowed (i.e., Gameboys or other electronic games, cell phones, iPods, etc.). The children must be in uniform. Shoes must remain on. For their safety, we ask that students request permission from the supervisor to leave the Care area (primarily we will be in the Multi-Purpose Room).
Please make certain your student(s) has the proper tools in his/her backpack to complete homework assignments. These may include pencils, erasers, sharpeners, writing paper, calculators, pens, markers, etc. Homework time is from 3:00-4:00 pm. There are crayons available for the students to use.
Please ensure your child is properly dressed for the weather. Weather permitting, we will go outside to play during our free period. On inclement weather days, we will play in the gymnasium or Multi-Purpose Room.

SCHOOL ADDRESS | 288 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140
SCHOOL OFFICE | 847.683.3450
SCHOOL FAX | 847.683.3209
OFFICE EMAIL | [email protected]
PRINCIPAL EMAIL | [email protected]
PARISH ADDRESS | 297 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140
PARISH OFFICE | 847.683.2391