Physical Education
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Physical Education Uniform Ordering

To place your orders for SCB PE clothes, please visit the website at
Once on the website, navigate to the “shop” tab and select the “schools” option. From there, click on “St. Charles Borromeo School Hampshire” to enter the webstore. platform, allowing you to browse and select items for purchase. Simply add your desired items to the cart.
During the checkout process, you will be prompted to provide an address. You will have three delivery options to choose from: picking up your order at Hyperstitch in Marengo, home delivery (additional charges apply), or group delivery. Group delivery involves individually bagging and labeling your order, which will then be delivered to the school for distribution. It’s important to note that selecting a specific delivery option does not expedite the availability of your order.
Please refer to the following time frames for order placement and receipt of completed purchases:
– Orders placed between 7/9 and 7/21 will be available by 7/31.
– Orders placed between 7/22 and 8/7 will be available by 8/21.
– Orders placed between 8/8 and 8/22 will be available by 9/5.
– Orders placed between 8/23 and 9/6 will be available by 9/22.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Physical Education Program:

Students in Kindergarten through eighth grade participate in gym twice per week throughout the school year. Every month different units focus on sports and activities that ensure an increased heart rate. Students learn the basics of sports but also participate in individual drills, team drills, relay races, games that enforce sports skills, group activities and timed scrimmages. Students learn a variety of sports such as basketball, soccer, hockey, volleyball, and variations of football and baseball. Some different types of physical exercise that students engage in are Zumba, yoga, step aerobics, and circuit training. These activities are designed to give students a large range of activities all with unique and different health benefits. It is the goal and expectation at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School, that frequent physical education will promote a continuous interest in physical fitness throughout our students’ lifetime.

SCHOOL ADDRESS  |  288 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140

SCHOOL OFFICE  |  847.683.3450

SCHOOL FAX  |  847.683.3209



PARISH ADDRESS  |  297 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140

PARISH OFFICE  |  847.683.2391