Parent Association:
All parents with a child in the school are automatically members of the PSO. Our mission is to work together, sharing our individual talents, our time and our treasure for the benefit of all children enrolled in the school. Your input is important. Call, write or attend a meeting to share your ideas. We grow and improve through everyone’s participation.
PSO Role
Parents play an integral part of the school community. Individually, parents support the school by reinforcing the philosophy and beliefs of the school at home. As a group, parents support the school through the Parent School Organization (PSO).
The PSO was founded in 1987 as a service organization. Specifically, our purposes are:
- To enlist the spiritual, educational, and social resources of home and school to support the best Catholic education possible.
- To provide an organization to conduct fundraising efforts
- To provide volunteer services including room moms, library support, computer and teacher aides, office support, etc.
- To promote a broader appreciation of the ideals of Catholic education and include positive public relations within the community
- To enlist the spiritual, educational, and social resources of home and school to support the best Catholic education possible.
Attend PSO meetings to find out what’s happening first hand, to share your perspective and meet other school parents. PSO meetings are a forum for information exchange and discussion about PSO activities. Meetings are held monthly to report on the status of current projects and to introduce new business. Decisions are reached on a consensus basis, with recommendations forwarded to the school administration for approval. Meetings are open to all parents. All parents should attend at least one meeting per school year.
- Digital Brown Envelope Flyers will include minutes of PSO meetings as well as information about fundraising and other projects.
- Bulletin Board –check out the PSO bulletin board in the multi-purpose room for an “At-A-Glance” look at what’s happening now!
- Website – check the school’s website for information about what’s going on.
- Digital Brown Envelope Flyers will include minutes of PSO meetings as well as information about fundraising and other projects.
Getting Involved
The PSO is involved with a broad array of projects and activities throughout the year. Ways to participate range from office and classroom support, to managing fundraising projects, to baking, and everything in between! If you have the expertise or perceive a need, please bring it directly to the attention of the PSO president or school principal. All our efforts are needed to help our school continue to grow and thrive. See the Volunteer Section of this handbook for more information.
Getting to Know You
First Day of School Coffee & Nibbles: Plan to arrive early first morning of school to meet new school parents, have a cup of coffee, swap first day of school anecdotes and have a moment of fun!
Social Times
The PSO supports the school by providing refreshments following school-sponsored events. These are always fun and a good chance to visit with school families. Other events just for fun and fellowship include Family Fun Nights!
Families support a variety of fundraising projects each year. The Calendar Sale is the only one in which school families are required to participate. In the spirit of stewardship, other fundraising projects, while important to the school, are optional. Please support those that are appropriate for you and your family.
We do not encourage our children to sell door-to-door. Product sales are intended for families and friends who have an interest in the product and the benefit of our school.
These are some of the opportunities available for us this year:
- (**Please check back later for an updated list of opportunities**)
Helpful Download Links:
New Family Application
We will begin accepting new student applications for the 2021-22 school year on Monday, January 25th at 9:00 AM.
Please click the link below to begin our online process.
SCB New Family Application Form
(you will be directed to another website)
Please contact Vicki Gray for more information.
PHONE: 847.683.3450
EMAIL: [email protected]

SCB | Hampshire, IL
Enrolling NOW
3 & 4 Year Old Preschool
1:1 Chromebooks in 1st-8th Grades
Smaller Classes
Excellent Teachers
Before & After School Care
Weekly Mass
Bus Service Available
Sports, Band, Choir & More!
For More Information or a Personal Tour Call

SCHOOL ADDRESS | 288 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140
SCHOOL OFFICE | 847.683.3450
SCHOOL FAX | 847.683.3209
OFFICE EMAIL | [email protected]
PRINCIPAL EMAIL | [email protected]
PARISH ADDRESS | 297 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140
PARISH OFFICE | 847.683.2391