Student Council:
The St. Charles Borromeo Student Council is a student run organization that helps our young people develop their leadership skills. Officers are 6th – 8th grade students, and homerooms have representatives who attend meetings to offer suggestions and help plan events.
Some events and responsibilities of Student Council members include:
- Hat and Coat Drive
- Hot Chocolate and Movie Event
- Spring Carnival
- Shamrock Shake Event
- Valentine Candy Gram Day
- Readers in Church
The SCB Cantor Program is for experienced choir members in grades 6th-8th grade. Our school will focus on solo and part singing, but also leading school masss on Friday. Cantor’s will practice from 4:30-5:00 on Wednesday after school choir. Cantors are expected to follow all choir expectations.

Band Program Overview:
Music Education Services provides comprehensive band programs to elementary schools which include two weekly sessions totaling 80-90 minutes of instruction, instrument rentals, and a team of 20 dedicated state licensed teachers. We currently serve over 100 schools and enrolled over 2,400 students in our band program this past fall. Music Education Services has been teaching in area schools for 31 years, and have averaged a student retention rate of over 85% for students from sign up through year end.
Our Program:
- Our program includes two 40-45 minute group lessons per week. The spaced repetition offered by twice weekly lessons on separate days ensures young instrumentalists the close supervision they require to show rapid progress. Lessons are typically scheduled with one in-school and one out-of-school instructional time each week. Scheduling can be customized to fit your school’s needs. Additional lessons are also provided as the children prepare for upcoming events.
- Our comprehensive curriculum utilizes both sequential and performance based learning with documented skill benchmarks.
- Sequential learning includes lesson books with theory exercises, graded band arrangements, solos and supplemental exercises.
- Each student will perform in at least three concerts, have the opportunity to participate in a solo and ensemble festival, an honors band concert (advanced students), and various social activities.
- Instruction may begin in the fourth, fifth or sixth grade. Advanced classes will be formed as needed through eighth grade. In new schools, all children in fourth through eighth grade may sign up.
- Progress reports are mailed directly to the student’s home twice per year. As part of each child’s grade, parents are urged to sign a practice record at the end of each week.
- Monthly newsletters are sent detailing upcoming musical events and contain informative articles about band, practicing, and the arts.
- Our recruitment program is a three-step process at the beginning of the school year. The first step includes a half hour demonstration concert by a professional trio to introduce the instruments to prospective students. A few days later, each child has the opportunity to try a few instruments to determine their interests, natural ability, and match their physical characteristics to the appropriate instrument. We then schedule a sign-up for parents to meet the director, ask any questions, and register for band.
Our Teachers:
- All of our teachers hold at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education and are licensed in the State of Illinois.
- Our teachers are supervised and evaluated throughout the year by our Director of Education, a 23 year veteran with a Masters of Music Education.
- Our mentoring program matches a Master teacher with a new teacher to promote individualized professional growth. This program provides the new teacher with additional resources and helps guide them through the systemic issues involved in the first year of teaching. The goal of the mentor program is to increase the success level of the first year teacher and ultimately the students in the band program.
- Our teachers receive ongoing educational and band specific professional development once every three weeks at our faculty meetings.
- Our teachers maintain extensive mandatory parent contact to encourage collaboration.
- On average our teachers have been with Music Education Services at least 7 years. Many of them also have previous teaching experience.
Turn Key Comprehensive Solution:
- Tuition for the 2021/2022 school year will be $648.00. That amount is billed directly to the parents of participating students in 9 installments of $72.00. There is no cost to the school. With two lessons per week, this works out to about $10.00 per lesson. Parents only pay for the time their child is in band. Additional children from the same family are charged ½ the normal tuition.
- Music Education Services also provides an optional rent-to-own instrument program, which is extremely competitive with local retailers. Instruments available include flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, and percussion kits. Most instruments rent for $36.00 per month; all but $5.00 (insurance & maintenance) goes towards the purchase price of the instrument. Repairs are done in house.
- We carry two million dollars in liability insurance in the unlikely event a student was to sustain an injury while under the care of our director.
- Billing is done directly to the home, eliminating any administrative responsibilities for you and your staff. All we need is your support and a place to rehearse.

SCB | Hampshire, IL
Enrolling NOW
3 & 4 Year Old Preschool
1:1 Chromebooks in 1st-8th Grades
Smaller Classes
Excellent Teachers
Before & After School Care
Weekly Mass
Bus Service Available
Sports, Band, Choir & More!
For More Information or a Personal Tour Call

SCHOOL ADDRESS | 288 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140
SCHOOL OFFICE | 847.683.3450
SCHOOL FAX | 847.683.3209
OFFICE EMAIL | [email protected]
PRINCIPAL EMAIL | [email protected]
PARISH ADDRESS | 297 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140
PARISH OFFICE | 847.683.2391