Art Program:
- The Art Curriculum at St. Charles Borromeo School provides all students with tools and information to develop problem solving skills and new ways to understand and communicate. While developing hand-eye coordination, art connects with literacy and other subject areas.
- Students in early childhood classrooms learn to use imagination, acquire skills to create, and use and manipulate tools. They start to identify how images help to communicate and contribute to the world around them.
- Elementary and middle school students develop knowledge and skills to construct, design, and problem solve with more advanced tools, technology, media, and design. Students explore some of the greatest artists of the world as well as their work which serves to provide a fundamental background of art history. Cross-curricular connections as well as cultural and time arts enhance student ability to understand connections with other disciplines.
- Art is a form of expression where the imagination and uniqueness of each student can be expressed. This class will be offered to our Pre-K to 8th grade.
- The mission of the Music Program at St. Charles Borromeo School is to provide students with the opportunity to expand and enhance their musical experiences as well as develop their creativity and abstract thinking. The role that music will play in students’ lives depends in large measure on the level of skills they achieve. In their class’s children create, perform, and participate in music-making, know, and use musical materials and resources, and appreciate, respond to, and analyze music they hear.
- Music is a gate that allows every person to convey emotions, communicate with others, develop self-confidence, and view the world from a new perspective. It allows for the students to understand their own historical and cultural heritage and those of others within their communities and beyond. Our music program uses an interdisciplinary approach.
SCB | Hampshire, IL
Enrolling NOW
3 & 4 Year Old Preschool
1:1 Chromebooks in 1st-8th Grades
Smaller Classes
Excellent Teachers
Before & After School Care
Weekly Mass
Bus Service Available
Sports, Band, Choir & More!
For More Information or a Personal Tour Call

SCHOOL ADDRESS | 288 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140
SCHOOL OFFICE | 847.683.3450
SCHOOL FAX | 847.683.3209
OFFICE EMAIL | [email protected]
PRINCIPAL EMAIL | [email protected]
PARISH ADDRESS | 297 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140
PARISH OFFICE | 847.683.2391