Middle Curriculum (5th-8th)
Through a wide variety of learning techniques, students discover, explore, and refine their learning styles. Our work in the classroom aligns with the State Standards and the Archdiocesan curriculum and challenges our students to push beyond their expectations. Our goal is to provide an engaging, hands-on learning environment where students can grow both academically and spiritually.
Below is a snapshot of the academic goals our students will be focusing on during the school year.
- Read a variety of fictional and informational genres that integrate cultural and historical awareness
- Participate in novel studies and small group literature circles
- Interact with aligned State Standards text to make inferences using textual evidence, investigate plot development, and identify central themes
- Participate in Battle of the Books, an interactive reading competition
- Explore authentic writing models, gain a better understanding of the writing process, and produce published pieces
- Practice operational fluency, engage in algebraic thinking, and develop problem-solving strategies aligned to the State Standards
- Engage in lessons related to numbers and operations, geometry, and measurement and data
- Solve real word mathematical problems by reasoning abstractly and quantitatively and then constructing viable arguments to provide evidence
- Explore Life, Physical, Earth and Space Sciences
- Participate in hands-on science activities aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards
- Engage in group discussions that develop observational skills, scientific inquiry, and the ability to use information to form a hypothesis
- Understand how technology and math are applied in the study of science
Social Studies
- Develop a thorough understanding of the political, social, and economic systems within the United States
- Deepen students’ knowledge of world geography through the use of interactive technology
- Understand events, trends, individuals, and movements shaping the history of the United States and other nations and represent that through creative projects
- Recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily

- Participate in daily prayer and attend weekly Mass
- Study the sacraments and multiple saints including Saint Charles Borromeo
- Interact with text aligned to the New Roman Missal, to deepen students’ faith.
- Participate in events that support community outreach.
- Blest Are We Curriculum
English / Language Arts
- Writer’s Workshop
- Learn through units that focus on the parts of speech
- Express themselves in complete sentences
- Master the mechanics of writing
- Explore different writing models and learn the steps of the writing process
- Produce their own published work
- Vocabulary, Spelling and Handwriting

SCB | Hampshire, IL
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3 & 4 Year Old Preschool
1:1 Chromebooks in 1st-8th Grades
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SCHOOL ADDRESS | 288 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140
SCHOOL OFFICE | 847.683.3450
SCHOOL FAX | 847.683.3209
OFFICE EMAIL | [email protected]
PRINCIPAL EMAIL | [email protected]
PARISH ADDRESS | 297 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140
PARISH OFFICE | 847.683.2391