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Father Sylvester Nnaso

Dear Friends in Christ,

On November 9, 2012, The Courier-News reported this about our fine school, “With double digit increases in enrollment, standardized testing that ranks the school in the top 10 percent of the nation in dozens of areas and a commitment to service of their fellow man, the St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School in Hampshire has many successes of which to be proud.” The above statement perfectly describes our school to the present day.

Ninety one years ago, our founding fathers and mothers decided that a Catholic school be built in Hampshire so that their children and grandchildren would continue to grow in the Christian faith through an authentic Catholic School. Within a few years of prayerful sacrifices, their goal was achieved. Therefore, our school is a place of information and formation.

In recent years, despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have safely kept our school open for in-person learning. We stand very tall in our faith-filled environment; we have opportunities for Holy Mass and the Sacraments (Baptism, Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation).

Our wonderful relationship with our school families and community is remarkable. Our many outreach programs and the quality of our education cannot be over emphasized! This was made possible through the profound commitment of our parishioners, staff, parents and friends of our school.Together, we have created a Catholic School rooted in excellent education and our joyful relationship with Christ is real.

Without a doubt, your family is the best gift on earth and your children are the greatest blessings to the world. No amount of sacrificial investment on them would be considered too much because they are priceless! St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School aligns with the school parents and our faith community to give the kids a holistic formation; body, mind and spirit.

I am very grateful to the parents and families who allowed us to be part of their children’s education and formation and I encourage more parents to do the same for the good of their children. Together, we shall continue to build a strong and vibrant Catholic School where Christ is the center of who we are and everything we do. Many Blessings to you, One Family of God!

Much love and prayers,
Father Sylvester A. Nnaso, M.A., D. Min., Pastor

SCHOOL ADDRESS  |  288 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140

SCHOOL OFFICE  |  847.683.3450

SCHOOL FAX  |  847.683.3209

OFFICE EMAIL  |  [email protected]

PRINCIPAL EMAIL  |  [email protected]

PARISH ADDRESS  |  297 E Jefferson St., Hampshire, IL 60140

PARISH OFFICE  |  847.683.2391